Hi, Since i am new to blog, I don't know what to say but i want to show you the necklace i made a few month ago...It is called Lavender Passion ... It is made with glass, aryclic and polymer clays...It is one of kind cuz other necklace can't be made with same beads just thier own kind ....
Isn't It cool? I was going to sell it on ebay but dont have any luck....when i get my business id and sales tax id, I will be selling the jewelry on my webisite i already set up to sell soaps...It's pretty quiet here not much to do, since my 3 sons are at their grandparents' house to spend a few days... and my daugher is watching tv here at home.. I am going to find something to keep me busy today...I am planning to crochet the fingerless gloves for my daugher soon when i get new yarns.. I will show you the process of making fingerless gloves and when it is done....Now i know what i am going to do is making balms and creams (for sore muscles as well as arthris) for my aunt....She desperately need them cuz the cartiages in her knees are completely gone...